Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good
Patrick did GREAT on his homework today.  YIPPIE YIPPIE YIPPIE.  I bribed him with one piece of butterscotch hard candy (hey if the psychologist can bribe - so can I).

The Bad
I'm so depressed and anxious today.  I'm not fully recovered from the fight I had with D the other day.  I get so sick of people saying "well he does better for me"  or "I never have a problem with him"  and then he went on to say about how P's new psychologist was able to calm him down instantly with some psychology thing a jib.  That just set me over the edge.  I am just incredible jealous of her.  Its been a long time since I've felt this kind of jealousy.  I don't know maybe she just seems like such a mom figure to me. I don't  have one of those anymore to help me, I think you just always need your mom.  I just feel guilty I just don't feel like i'm a great mom.  and she seems like such a great one.

The Ugly
I want a new Kindle Fire, and I pre-ordered one today, its a toy i don't need, nor have the money to spare, but i ordered it.  Retail therapy?  maybe.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Middle School

We made leaps and bounds so far this school year.  The new IEP turned out exactly as I wanted it to.  I'm so happy with Patrick's new teachers.